
texas building color palette

Inspiration is Everywhere.

Our planet is a beautiful bounty of color, texture, shapes, words… so much. All one needs is to stop and look around.

I found this old photo of when my husband and I lived in Texas. We were stationed there for 6 months. #militarylife It was amazing. So much exploring happened. Inspiration is in everything so go have an adventure and get lost in the moment. #creativelife

Cheers… Kat

But First… Pray


Prayer is honestly one of the best things I can do for my self care. If I am unhappy… pray. Fearful… pray. Need guidance… pray. Feel amazing… pray. It grounds me and helps me reach out beyond myself regardless of where I am.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks. 1Thessalonians 5:16-18

You Are Worthy

suicide prevention weekToday is the last day for National Suicide Prevention Week.  I want to keep the momentum alive so I thought I should share some numbers with you that I plucked from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website…

Each year 44,193 American die by suicide.

There are an average of 121 suicides per day.

Let those staggering numbers sink in.  Let’s end the stigma because everyone has a story and every story has a heart and every story with a heart has an important purpose in this world.

Your story is important.

You are not alone.

….Be rooted in Him and let your foundation be built on him.  Establish your life and know that His love for you is unconditional.  A glorious father he is, never faltering and always by our side.  Be strong in your faith and overflowing with thankfulness…. Colossians 2:6-7

As always, thanks for reading… Kat


5 Things to Remember as a Creative


Just a thought…

  1. Design a lifestyle that allows you time to create. Develop habits in your life that benefit your creative side that can sometimes be freeing from the everyday mundane and hustle.
  2. Having an organized space can give you a clutter free mind, ready to create.
  3. Remember that it’s okay if you can’t juggle all of the plates in your life all of the time. Just try and allow yourself some leniency to mess up.
  4. Be consistent in allowing yourself some freedom. And if the creative life is your career… schedule, schedule, schedule the time and the space and stick to it!
  5. Sometimes you should unplug and go back to the basics of art… fun, free, creative messiness. Try crafting, painting, collage making, building… etc. The point is to use your hands and free your mind from such a rigid format of life and work. Put those kids to bed (for those WAHM), blast the music, pour yourself a glass of (insert beverage of choice here) and do it to it. But above all else… have FUN.

Thanks for reading… Kat

The Darkness is a LIE

Glorify the struggle to remedy it with compassion.

I read some disturbing and misinformed things on the Internet about Chester Bennington’s suicide, well about suicide in general. There are many accusations of selfishness and cowardice towards those who take their own life. I do not believe these things to be true. Suicidal thoughts are a break down of all things, a push and pull battle within your head and your heart. Many people who are suicidal truly believe that those around them will be better off without them and there are others who are so far down the rabbit hole of depression that they cannot think straight. My hope is that instead of pointing fingers and escalating this negative stigma of mental illness, we actually lift up our voices, our hearts and our hands in prayer. Be vocal about the change you wish to see in the world, but with kindness. Share hope with those who feel like they have none. Take extra steps to show compassion for others because you never know who can really use it. Remember there are those who suffer in silence so you never know who is fighting hard against their own demons.

Some asked us to not glorify death. Instead I say we should glorify the cause of death to inform others of how people truly struggle so it is no longer a stigma. Bring to light the silent struggles of so many so they no longer feel ashamed of what tears them up inside.

For those reading this who are pressured by their own head and mislead by their heart… My tears are for the truly broken because I hurt along with you. You are not alone.


The Darkness is a Lie

By Kat Lange

Don’t fall down that rabbit hole my friend

Don’t chase those demons into the night

The hurt, the pain is not the end

The hurt, the gloom are not right

You are always beautiful, you are unique

And together, your demons we can defeat

So lift up your eyes and hold onto hope

Let the seeds of faith grow roots in your heart

Your life is a field of flowers just waiting to bloom

Your heart is beating in your body holding back the gloom

Open your eyes and realize your struggle is not your own

Open your eyes and realize you are not alone

Don’t shift the story of your life

To end it with a period

You are a forever-changing masterpiece

The work is not completed

Your pain is not your own to bare

A community of love is here for you

You have a story waiting to be shared

A story weaved with pieces of hurt and truth

A story that others can benefit from

A life worth living a life that is not done

Don’t type THE END to your story for it is not real

Your heart has so much left to feel

So hold onto hope, faith and love and when you’re in the dark

Remember you have a real, meaningful, beating, loving and thriving heart


Dedicated to those who are struggling in the darkness of depression.  Share your story and thrive.

Love… Kat



Happy July – Share Love

SpeakLoveWith the 4th of July around the corner and with tensions so high in our country, I just want to say something… Speak love.

Believe in it.

Embrace it.

Share it.

Show it.

Create it.

Pray for it.

Hope for it.

Speak love!

Thank you so much for stopping by.  Don’t forget to head on over to my Instagram page @KatLangeDesigns and FOLLOW me on my creative journey of my everyday postings of life and the love of everything artsy fartsy.

CHEERS!!!…. Kat